
The enormous benefits of Tulsi leaves for itchy and sore throat


The benefits of Tulsi leaves and is parts are great remedies for a sore throat that we, sometimes are not aware of. Unless we study and experience, we can’t imagine the role of this miraculous herb.  Commonly known as Holy Tulsi in Hindu Mythology where Hindus regard it as an earthly indicator of the goddess Tulsi and a worshiper of God Vishnu. So, it is also considered a sacred plant. Scientifically known as Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum), Tulasi or Tulsi, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is a precious aromatic perennial plant, native to the Indian subcontinent and cultivated in the Southeast Asian tropical countries. A glimpse of the 4 major stages is worth identifying.

What are the ingredients that make Tulsi so important for health?

One may be amazed that all parts of the Tulsi plant are important for herbs and medicinal plants. That is so rewarding for those of us who love natural sources for simple cures. The reason is the existence of therapeutic characteristics. They are because of the presence of phytochemical ingredients such as rosmarinic acid, carvacrol, eugenol, linalool, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and β-caryophyllene (about 8%). The phytochemicals when present in plants have numerous biologically active compounds On extraction with acetone or methanol the extracts has wide characteristics of antibacterial activity against bacteria. In modern medicine, the extract of leaves of Ocimum tenuiflorum, is used to develop a new pharmaceutical drug for prevention of pathogenic microbe infection. (

Due to the presence of useful phytochemicals, traditionally, the benefits of Tulsi are derived from leaves, flowers and seeds. They are taken in the form of herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaf or as mixtures with ghee (oil from butter) (Wikipedia, 2019).

What are the benefits of the Tulsi to health?

To name the benefits of Tulsi plant, we will have a long list to visualize. Given below is a small list of direct or indirect health benefits Tulsi plants have to offer. We will reflect therefore, only a few with a special treatment method to sore throat affecting many of us in hot or cold weather.

  1. The Tulsi is a plant that helps in boosting immunity due to its anti-microbial activities.
  2. Relief of respiratory treatments such as relief from respiratory disorders, asthma, lung disorders, heart diseases.
  3. Relieves fever due to microbial infection.
  4. The benefits of Tulsi are well documented in dental and oral care.
  5. The benefits of Tulsi are also known to help with stress and stress-related illnesses.
  6. The Tulsi plant parts fight acne caused due to bacteria.
  7. Protects against consistent cough and cold.
  8. Helps fight cancer as it increases immunity.
  9. Good source of vitamin K.
  10. The instant relief due to Tulsi in the sore and itchy throat.

How to get the benefits of Tulsi the traditional way for the sore, itchy throat?

Let’s see some easy ways of using the Tulsi plant leaves for the day to day remedy of itch and sore throat.

1.     The Tulsi leaves give instant relief of itchy throat

It is always good to have a Tulsi plant in and around the house. The fresh keeps the surrounding air pure. But above all, instant relief is attained by directly consuming a fresh leaf of Tulsi.  Pluck a fresh leaf from a healthy Tulsi plant, wash few times to remove the dust and check it directly. You will be relieved in a few minutes.

2.      Elixir 1: Benefits  of  Tulsi for children

Children sometimes suffer itchy throat and throat out food. A Tulsi preparation gives significant relief in such cases. To make this herbal medicine, boil a few leaves of Tulsi in a liter of water and cool the extract. Add a teaspoon of honey in it and drink it. Most importantly, a teaspoonful of this concoction is good for children and a remedy for night cough.

3.      Elixir 2: Morning drink of Tulsi leaves

Soak enough Tulsi leaves overnight in about 1 liter of water. Soak overnight and drink it in an empty stomach in the morning. Besides, the water can also be used for gargling two to three times a day to cure sore throat (  The elixir keep the immune system in perfect form and protect both from communicable and non-communicable diseases.

4.      Elixir 3: Benefits of Tulsi Tea

A cup of tea with boiled Tulsi leaves are one of the most effective and refreshing traditional medicine for sore throat. In reality, the phytochemicals help fight off the problems of the irritated throat by killing the microbes.

             Benefits of Tulsi tea are instant in relieving sore throat

             Benefits of Tulsi tea are instant in relieving sore throat

Traditions come back and forth. But, the Tulsi plant is the source of one of traditional medicine that helped mankind for ages. Let us cherish and treasure the gifts that nature has bestowed upon us!

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