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skin cleanser


    4 Benefits of Aloe Vera gel-how to make 6 easy face masks

      The 4 benefits of Aloe Vera gel face mask is due to the wonderful concoction for purifying, hydrating and protecting the skin from the damage of pollution and stress. Aloe Vera gel face mask is made from the latex inside the swollen aloe Vera leaf. It is a jelly-like clear material having 95% water. The seasonal changes in temperature, humidity, and pollution affect the health of the face giving a blemish and tired look. Equally, this leads to frustration and…

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  • Food/Health

    Healthy Herb: 10 Benefits of Mint

      Healthy Herb: The Mint Mint is a perennial or rarely annual herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae. Mints are aromatic fast growing herbs having an estimated 13 to 18 species…