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    Benefits of Oyster Mushroom- a Gift of Nature in Pickled form

    Oyster mushroom or Pleurotus ostreatus is one type of the mushroom species having innumerable benefits to health. Along with its ‘umami’ taste and unique qualities, is an age-old medicinal food product. Therefore, it can be considered as a ‘Gift of Nature’  Oyster Mushroom Enriched Pickle Oyster mushroom in the pickled form is produced to make it available all year round, has a longer shelf life and can be taken straight or relished with other food as an appetizer.  Additionally, it…

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  • Food/Health

    The benefits of Papaya to health

    Prelude Do we ever wonder about the benefits of papaya to health when we take a refreshing juice at midday? Despite being an immediate energy refresher, either raw or ripened papaya…

  • Food/Health

    Benefits of Mint a wonderful herb

    Mint a wonderful herb The benefits of mint a wonderful herb are amazing. The scientific name of mint or pudina is Mentha belonging to the family, Lamiaceae. With two dozen species,…