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high potassium

    Agriculture/ Environment

    Nitrogen Fixer: Azolla is an organic farmer’s friend in many ways

    Making Compost with Azolla on APRIL 13, 2010 Nitrogen Fixer: Azolla is an organic farmer’s friend Azolla a nitrogen fixer is an organic farmer’s friend in many ways. Also popularly known as duckweed fern, mosquito fern, fairy moss, or water fern it belongs to the family of Salviniaceae that comprises even different species of water ferns. Although called duckweed they should not be confused with duckweed or water lens that belongs to the family Lemnoideae. Today we will talk about…

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  • Food/Health

    Mango the Nutrition Rich Fruit

    Who doesn’t love mango? Mangoes are juiciest, sweet, colorful fruit with a special taste. You can have it raw or ripe the smell and flavor are not like any other fruits. …