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    Happiness is a wailing healthy baby on your arms

    Happiness is a wailing healthy baby on your arms gifted from heaven when it is born! A loud cry is a signal you have been waiting for! And to make this happen you must have done wonders with your diet during your pregnancy. And yes, not only you young lady, the whole family has been watching the food you eat and the care you take of yourself. Besides, the inner glow only possible from the positive environment and the self-esteem…

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  • Food/Health

    Five Food Types that Help You Slim

    Five Food Types that Help You Slim Want to stay slim by losing weight? Wouldn’t you love to have a slender, fit body without worrying whenever it is time to eat?…

  • Lifestyle

    4 Strategies on how to sleep better

    Strategies on how to sleep better A well slept night has a great impact on what you do throughout the day and how put your concentration on your daily tasks.  What if…