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    Benefits of apple juice-drink to your health!

    “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” so goes the saying truly with the benefits of apple juice. Many have not seen an apple tree but enjoyed its taste, favor and its goodness to health and nutrition.” A for apple” is what a child learns on how apple looks like with the first introduction of the English alphabet. Undoubtedly, apple means a lot to one’s food habits and lifestyle. There 7500 varieties of apples worldwide that naturally comes in…

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  • Food/Health

    Mango the Nutrition Rich Fruit

    Who doesn’t love mango? Mangoes are juiciest, sweet, colorful fruit with a special taste. You can have it raw or ripe the smell and flavor are not like any other fruits. …

  • Food/Health

    Super benefits of strawberries

    The benefits of strawberries to maintenance of health are innumerous. The nutritional and therapeutic ingredients make strawberries the 'Queen of Fruits'. …

  • Food/Health

    Almond: A World Class Nut

    Almond: A World Class Nut ‘Almond’ is a nut and edible seed of the cultivated Prunus species. The tree plant is native to South Asia and the Middle East. It is…

  • Food/Health

    Drumstick-A Great Powerhouse

    Drumstick-A Great Powerhouse Drumstick or horseradish—the goodness of this vegetable is immense. Yet do we know much of it? Let see what species of drumstick has to offer and include it…