

Agriculture/ Environment

An Alternative Farming Component-Vermicompost

  An Alternative Farming Component- Vermicompost Farming practices have evolved over the years globally and nationally. Ventures to food fight security have been the main issue of moving into wide-ranging alternative farming systems. Modern agriculture with the intensification of…


4 Amazing Nutritive Value of Bamboo shoots

4 Amazing Nutritive Value of Bamboo shoots Bamboo shoots are the loveliest of grasses that you can relish in Chinese and South Asian cuisine. But because of unique nutritive and aesthetic value, Western countries have picked up eating as…


8 Kinds of Food That Reduce Inflammation Naturally

 Foods that Reduce Inflammation Naturally Inflammation or swelling of the body occurs due to various reasons. Inflammation occurs when the immune system of the body fights against bacterial, fungal or virus stimuli. However, inflammation is caused not only by…


10 Iron Rich Food to Get Over Iron Deficiency

Iron Rich Food to Get Over Iron Deficiency Iron-An essential element Can you imagine what iron rich food can do for you? Did you know that iron is a most important deficient element in the human population? Over 2…