


Super benefits of strawberries

The benefits of strawberries to maintenance of health are innumerous. The nutritional and therapeutic ingredients make strawberries the 'Queen of Fruits'. …


Benefits of Mint a wonderful herb

Mint a wonderful herb The benefits of mint a wonderful herb are amazing. The scientific name of mint or pudina is Mentha belonging to the family, Lamiaceae. With two dozen species, Mentha has quite a few hundred species. The…


12 Benefits of Basil a medicinal plant

Tulsi or basil a medicinal plant is valuable source of phytonutrients. Basil extract prevents and controls inflammatory diseases like cough, cold, arthritis, cancer and many more. a cup of tea will soothe you and keep you healthy and happy.…


Mushroom-a gift of nature

14 Health Benefits of Mushroom-a gift of nature Mushroom-a gift of nature is rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals characteristics of ‘functional foods. Mushroom or the toadstools are what we know as ‘The True Fungi’ belong to the division ‘Eumycota’.…