A guideline: how to change your mood.
Nostalgia has an immense power to change your mood. People are very submissive to their past, to their memories and to their old. There are hardly any people who can avoid these. Once a person dive into the past and taste the old flashes again in the life, a feeling of sentimental of the past known as nostalgia springs. Owen Lee Pomeroy has eloquently defined “Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense with the past perfect!”. Nostalgia helps to change your mood as it reminds you of the past.
Why do People Become Nostalgic?
Human psychology is submissive to its own past. And off course there are some solid reasons of being nostalgic. For example, at the present you may encounter a similar or dissimilar incidence that relates or contrasts to your past memories. But, your mind has already dived into the past. Now, the sweet part comes. You can call it as an evil part too. The definition depends on the type of memories you remember. This comparison may remind of your past very sweet memory that you would probably not get again in life or the very sad one that had a great impact on your life. The intensity of being nostalgic also depends on the special moments. The everyday incidents silently collect that ultimately are sources of creating nostalgia.
The Types of Nostalgic Incident
Nostalgia differs from person to person. It is a mixture of happy and sad feelings lost over time. Many of us have wistfulness of childhood days with friends and teachers. There can be the memories of best friends or a special girl or boy you shared good and bad times. The past may remind you of a crush that you may have had while taking a course during graduation. An incident from your professional life like the past job or the colleagues or even the office environment that you enjoyed before may remind you of the past attachments. Countless of us are nostalgic of the home, our parents and siblings we grew up with.
What triggers nostalgia?
Psychologists believe that nostalgia appears from a saddened or negative effect of the mind and then turns into a positive or bittersweet condition. Social connections play an important role in triggering. So also smell touch, places, weather and music trigger a certain point of the brain. The statement suggests an automatic or voluntary saddened state of the mind counterweigh psychological pain and create a balance acting as psychotherapy.
Nostalgia Helps to Change Your Mood
Psychologists believe nostalgia helps to change the mood. The fond recollection of event triggers nostalgia. It can happen no matter where you are or what you are doing. Nostalgia just can peep into your mind and enchant you to a different state of the mind. This sudden feeling changes your mood to a positive and happy state. In fact, you can practice it in your own time and change your temper to build a constructive disposition.
1. Feeling Happy
The sweet memories can make you happy reminding the essence of it again in your life. Just close your eyes and try to remember those days when you did share your school meal with your best friends. Remember taking off from college to go for a cinema. Or wasn’t it a great feeling when you pulled the leg of a new student in school? Think about the rag day! Oh! What an amazing time those were?
2. Feeling Sad
Nostalgia can change your mood bringing sadness and emotion into your mind. You may lament for the memories that you will never get back or the real fact that the incidence itself is sad. This will revive your energy to take care in your present decisions and change your temperament.
3. Sad but Happy
For example, when I think of our childhood, I feel very happy but again feel sad that these things will never come back in our life. With the busy life, whenever any nostalgic memories come it may you sad at the first instance because you have lost it in the past. But the next thing you know that you have to know is you have the present and the future. That comes from hope!!
4. Nostalgia is an inspiration
Nostalgia revives your hope and brings inspiration to move forward. Nostalgia, therefore, changes your mood. You are in great desperation while once you were top among your colleagues and circles. This type of memory can change your mood inspiring and guiding it to move ahead. This nostalgic event is, in fact, good as it brings some good fruit for you.
How to Cope With Nostalgia
You cannot avoid from being nostalgic because you even don’t know when this special feeling will appear. So, it is better to cope with the nostalgic memories. As nostalgia changes your mood, try to behave with it simply. Don’t just dive into it and forget everything. Try to cope with it. Feel the best from it and inspire your mind. If it makes you sad, let it be. Motivate yourself to positive thoughts and relax. Go out with your spouse. Use music or watch a humorous movie. Do things around the house. Bring flowers, plants into the house or go out for a walk. Use the immense power of nostalgia to change your mood and bring happiness.
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