2 Flowers, expressing feelings!
Did you know flowers could express your feelings? Isn’t it subtle to express yourself with flowers? Yes, flowers have a language that speaks a lot. We do give flowers to express our grief, love, and adoration, gratitude, respect, achievements in celebrating our social and private lives. Flowers build friendship, relationship, and love. To get pleasure in giving flowers, it would be great to know which flower conveys what you want to say. Equally important is the code language conveyed by the color of flowers.
Floriography is the art, culture and practice of sending messages with flowers. It has its history of the origin of the Victorian era. At that time when the presentation of private feelings was not publicly accepted, flowers, expressing feelings of secret love and admiration were a practice. Floriography came from the Latin words ‘flora’ and ‘graphein’ in Greek meaning ‘flower writing’ that interprets the language of flowers.
We all consciously send bouquets of various flowers as a symbol of celebration, to manifest a special feeling or to turn on someone’s mood. But, wouldn’t it be cool to grace with the right flower and the perfect color to befit the occasion? Being a lover of nature and that of flowers, of course, I would like to share the intrinsic meanings of roses and chrysanthemums today. Stay with my passion as I remind you of the flowers, expressing feelings—special and specific to the moments of your life. It is about the color and beauty of flowers, expressing feelings what we want to share!
- Roses
Roses are perfect flowers, expressing feelings. Roses have been the most widely chosen flowers to say “I admire you”. The rose is typically a woody perennial shrub of the belonging to the Rosaceae family. There are more than 100 species and thousands of varieties of roses growing and blooming all the year round. Roses range from wild to hybrid types. The beauties of a rose are the petals and the natural arrangements. The color of roses signifies and the spectacles of flowers, expressing feelings of sorrow, sympathy and love. Nothing is above the expression “I love you” with red roses on a Valentine day! With 12 red roses you can “be mine”.
Color of Rose flowers, expressing feelings
Let us see how we can increase our depth of specific relationship with a few colored roses.
Fragrance of roses
The fragrance and the anti-oxidant properties make roses an agent of beauty for hundreds of years. It aids in aromatherapy and added to flavor food, Rose petals are the ingredients of toiletries, cosmetics, perfumes and even in beauty baths.
2. Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum is a perennial flower cultivated in China 15th Century BC. There are 500 species of Chrysanthemum belonging to the family Asteraceae. An origin of China and meaning “Chu” a Chinese philosopher noted, “If you would be happy for a lifetime, grow Chrysanthemums.” Asians symbolize chrysanthemum as a sign of rebirth and life and so are gifted in birthdays and baby showers. And in Europe you can express sympathy with chrysanthemum. In general chrysanthemums are flowers, expressing feelings of love, happiness, joy, and longevity.
Like roses, you can express your specific emotions by sending chrysanthemums to your dear and near ones. Chrysanthemums are flowers, expressing feelings because of its dense florets and the variegated colors. As it symbolizes rest and cheerfulness you can send chrysanthemums to wish good luck at a person’s time of need. We have chosen four colors commonly available to expresses your inner feeling and happiness.
Environmental value
Chrysanthemums have culinary effects when the scent and color of flowers are added to drinks and foods. Chrysanthemum flowers contain pyrethrins that are used to make herbal insecticide. The NASA has identified the chrysanthemum is one of the 19 indoor plants that cut pollution.
Flowers will ever remain a code of conveying your feelings. Choosing the right color and the flower you love is a beautiful way of attaining internal peace and happiness. Let us all follow the tradition and help flowers, expressing feelings establishing and continuing a happy relationship.
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