
Aloe Vera for Hair treatment

Aloe Vera is a wonder plant the gel of which has been used for ages for hair treatment. The gel of Aloe Vera is an excellent herbal moisturizer and scalp skin conditioner.

The 20 amino acids and 75 nutrients of Aloe Vera are the building blocks of your hair and skin. The gel has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce infection and keeps the scalp clean and fresh. Aloe Vera not only reduces dandruff and removes itching of the scalp but also retains moisture in your hair. The conditioning effect keeps your hair healthy. The results are seen in the promotion of hair growth, removal of itching, reduction in dandruff, no inflammation, and conditioning of the hair and skin.aloe-vera-plants

Aloe Vera plants

Tired of split ends and falling hair? The gel will do the job with its multiple medicinal qualities. In a few months of treatment, you will see your hair reviving with a glowing and fresh look. Let’s see what a simple way it can be achieved.

Aloe Vera for Hair

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel to Hair

How best to use the Aloe Vera gel?

How best to use the Aloe Vera gel?

Here is a simple mask of natural conditioner that works well for an overnight treatment.

Peel the skin of the leaf and collect

  • 1 cup of fresh gel
  • Add 2 tbsp. castor oil
  • Mix 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seed powder

Procedure and Application

In a round bowl, combine the ingredients to form a smooth, consistent paste. You may use a food processor to obtain a good paste. Before going to bed use a soft to apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Take care that it reaches the roots to the tip of the hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wrap a towel to feel comfortable. Go to sleep with this freshly herbal Aloe Vera hair treatment.

Wash the hair in the morning with shampoo and conditioner. Apply 1-2 times a week.

Happiness is a reviving, glowing hair!

sleeping beauty

Sleep overnight with the Aloe Vera gel mask

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