Foods that Reduce Inflammation Naturally
Inflammation or swelling of the body occurs due to various reasons. Inflammation occurs when the immune system of the body fights against bacterial, fungal or virus stimuli. However, inflammation is caused not only by any sort of infection but also by an imbalanced diet. It can lead to life-threatening complications and diseases if it is not cured initially. Instead of spending money on medicine and going to the doctor, a change in your diet may help. There are foods that reduce inflammation and work wonders! Proper nutrition is a key to avoiding or preventing many unwanted health conditions. Why not pick up a few natural way of staying well?
1. Fiber rich food
People over the world take various types of carbohydrate and fiber-rich food as their staple food. But many of us miss out on eating it in the correct manner. Your diet should include the right type of grain. Whole grain should be preferred as they are richer in fiber and contain more bulk. What happens is then, as more bulk is present in the stomach, more water is needed to digest it properly and also to excrete it, therefore, excess fluid content cannot accumulate over your body. Whole grain bread, cereal, brown rice, corn are some of the many grains that will help to lessen the problem of inflammation. These are proven foods that reduce inflammation.
2. Soya
Soya-derived from soya beans also reduces inflammation of the body. Soya helps to repair damaged tissues of your bones and muscles due to inflammation. Soya-based products like soya milk can be included in your diet. It is best to increase the number of whole grain products in your food intake. It is because they contain all the parts that make up a seed of the grain, including the shell. This shell has vitamins in it which are required by the body. When processed grains are ingested, the body does not receive these vitamins and this contributes to inflammation. Essential vitamins help reduce inflammation, which are present in the whole grains.
A couple of years back, researchers from Harvard presented that whole grain is more beneficial to the human body than the refined ones. Therefore, whenever you eat grain, eat whole grain as they are more valuable for your health.
3. Nuts
All types of nuts, especially, almonds are good for those who want to get rid of inflammation from their body naturally. Almond has numerous valuable nutrients in it, most notably fiber, calcium, and also a variety of vitamins. Moreover, walnuts have healthy fat in it along with antioxidants. These work in conjunction to keep your body well and heal it if you have been suffering from inflammation.
4. Veggies, Fish and Meat – Unhappy Treat for Inflammation
Cod liver oil or fish oil is good for the human body. Besides that, it also helps to reduce inflammation and also prevent it. Salmon, tuna and mackerel and all the other fishes rich in oil (omega-3) is helpful. Your weekly diet should include eating these type of fishes for multiple times; it is best to not fry it but bake it and or eat it by making a fish-based salad.
5. Vegetables
The most important part of your diet apart from whole grains is vegetables. All leafy vegetables, especially, the deep green ones have a major effect in protecting from inflammation. Some names include spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini more. They contain necessary vitamins and minerals which are important to the body’s metabolism as well as repair. Besides these, you can also try eating dairy products. Milk-based food items are debatable as to actually helping reduce inflammation or not but if you can digest it with ease then you should try eating low-fat yogurt and butter.
6. Spices
Many spices are healers. Turmeric, ginger, garlic and cloves are rich in ingredients that reduce inflammation. Turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and is often taken with milk during fever. Essential herbs that help in reducing inflammation and also preventing include basil, thyme and more. Chefs nowadays use spices and herbs to give an added taste to many addition to its medicinal effect Scientists have discovered this through their research and advice people to add spices in their diet. One small tip I would like to give is to eat one or two cloves of garlic – raw- in your lunch and dinner. It will take less time for your body to heal and these are by accepted by many people to reduce inflammation.
Spices are very good in reducing inflammation
7. Fruits and oils
To begin with, there are more foods that help you to be more fit and rid of inflammation. Essential oils like almond oil, olive oil are good sources of necessary nutrients that help to reduce inflammation. On the other hand, fruits like berries and cherries help as they are low in fat, rich in antioxidants. Sunflower seeds also help and you can always include apples, blueberries in your diet. Fruits help renew the cells and repair the damaged ones.
8. Chicken
To sum up, I would like to add that lean meat like chicken help reduce inflammation. Your diet should forgo of any type of red meat and food with high-fat content.
Reducing inflammation through your diet means building and retaining your immune system. With a little planning and discipline, you can reduce inflammation and stay healthy and happy.
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