6 effective ways to Fix an Unhappy Love life

7 Tricky Ways to tell if Your Girl is lying

Tricks to bring back happiness

All men get this gut-wrenching thought of whether their girl or any girl they are pursuing a friendship with is lying to them. When and how does a girl lie to the man? Mostly, as they all are humans, girls resort to lying when they find that it will just be “fine enough” for the unexpected situation or evade from further complication.
To be exact, taking life head on straight is the right way to live but you cannot undo any already-done matters and, therefore, people turn to lies  on things that need fixing or elucidation to continue a relationship. But how do you find out?  The tricks below are about the ways to tell if your girl is lying and help you bring back happiness.

7 Ways to tell if Your Girl is lying

 1. Watch Her Tone

The first thing you can focus on is her tone – the tone in which she is talking to you. Usually, you will find that there is a changed tone when your girl is lying. There are inconsistent gaps between one word and one sentence from the other, and it feels like she is talking words that are set as explanations. Mostly, people talk straight when they speak the truth and there is a natural calmness in the tone in which they are speaking. The tone may shatter when your girl is lying.

Not disclosing the truth may be uncomfortable

Young Couple Seated Back To Back –Your girl may be lying

2. Check Her Attitude

Furthermore, she feels nervous when you question her about her activities or try to find about her whereabouts. Anxiety or panic-stricken tendencies MOSTLY occur if someone did something erroneous and they do not want to speak about it – usually, your girl should not have any problem answering your question but if she does then you should understand that she is lying. To add to that, if she does try to answer your question, check if her tales sound realistic. If she is lying, she will talk with a shaky voice and awkward pauses that will be apparent; you won’t find a relation of her stories and her attitude might seem different to you. Further, if her answers raise questions to your mind then you know that she is trying to hide something, thus, she is lying. It is one of the easiest ways to tell if your girl is lying.

3. Repetition of Statements

Essentially, this happens due to the fact they are making up things and telling it instantly – just like giving an impromptu speech. To catch if she is really lying to you or not, ask her more about what she already said – ask her about the small details and then you will easily be able to find that she is lying.

4. Look at Her Eyes

Eyes can be a great help on the ways to tell if your girl is lying. When people lie, they tend to avoid eye connection, and this can be observed in your girl if she is lying to you. You can check on how she is looking when she is talking or answering your queries, if she tends to talk with squinty eyes or rolls her eyeballs away every now and then you should understand that something is not right. Also, hesitation to directly answer to the point can be the reason to why people want to avoid eye-contact when talking; there should not be any reason to why your girl should be hesitant to answer you, and if she is not making up a story.

people-avoid-eye-contact_when they lie

Find out if your girl is lying if he avoids eye contact

5. Check Her Mood

You can also keep a check on her temper, as it is another way of hiding the truth. People, who are not used to lying, will adopt a different style of talking to evade the truth coming out about what they were doing. When she gets mad it means that she is trying to make you forget about what you wanted to find out and focus on her temper.  She may not be will to talks and maintain a distance for the time being. Instead, ask her why she is mad or why her mood is not right. This is a trick and you should realize the fact that, actually, she is lying to you; because, let’s get this straight: if she cannot answer your simple questions in a simple manner then it means that there is something she is hiding from you.

6. Her Behavior

How does she respond or communicate to you usually? It is crucial to be aware of that when you ask her something. If she is the type of person who talks too much or talks too less then you will find that she will not be doing so if she is lying. There will be completely reverse of her behavior. Therefore, keep a check on how she usually talks to you and how she starts to behave when you suspect that your girl is lying.

7. Check Her Jaws

All in all, apart from these, she can also try to look you directly into the eye and speak to you. People do that when they try to convince you to believe their words and if you feel she is doing that then she is actually lying to you. Your girl might be smarter than you think and show. and show a different, innocent face  Also, check how her jaws or her lips bulge or shift or move – like the eyes, the mouth is an essential detail to catch a liar because liars feel edgy and that edginess is given away by certain features of their face.

not in mood to talk

Your girl may not want to discuss—check if your girl is lying

True love and lasting partners should be honest and truthful. It is always wise to check on the person you eventually want to spend your life, if she is trustworthy and consistent. Lying is a first resort to hiding facts from each other. If your girl is lying on little matters, she may get habituated and both of may not end up in being happy.

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