
4 Strategies on how to sleep better

Strategies on how to sleep better

A well slept night has a great impact on what you do throughout the day and how put your concentration on your daily tasks.  What if you fell asleep in a very serious office meeting and your boss notices it again and again! It would be terrible, right? So, you must know the strategies that will teach you how to keep yourself fresh, healthy and cheerful in the daytime and sleep better at night. Also, you will know how a rested mind will give you a good night sleep.


A rested mind helps you sleep better

Secrets to Sleep Well

There are a few techniques and strategies that may need your attention to make you sleep better and sound. The following ideas will be beneficial here:

  • Find out what makes interfere your sleeping pattern
  • List the things you think about when you can’t sleep
  • Think of how you pass your day’s work
  • List the ideas that can help you to sleep better in the past

Once you are done with these, you will get many more ideas on how to sleep well. For your further information and knowledge, keep reading the article.

5 Useful Strategies to Maintain for a Better Sleep

But for now let us see what research has found out on sleeping better.

1.Strictly Maintain a Sleeping Schedule

There are many people who don’t maintain any sleeping schedule. If you go to sleep at 10 pm on Sunday, 3 pm on Monday and again 1 pm on Thursday, it will certainly hamper on your sleep. Our body maintains a biorhythm i.e “a recurring cycle in the physiology or functioning of an organism, such as the daily cycle of sleeping, waking or other physiological functions”. This biorhythm is controlled by the brain that keeps the body mechanisms to follow certain cycles or routine. The cycle is affected by physical, mental and

Biorhythms cycles

Biorhythm cycles regulates body’s sleep. wake and physical state

The consistency of the cycle lets your mind and brain rest that makes you sleep better. go, Go to bed at a particular time and wake up as do regularly. This helps our body to adjust to mental readiness. Try to maintain this. Even on weekends, don’t just sit with your laptop to watch the movie hour after hour forgetting your sleeping hours are passing by.  It will off course give you temporary entertainment, but what will hamper the next week’s work?  Your body is scheduled to follow the biorhythms and yourself fit.

2. Support Melatonin to Ensure a Better Sleep

Melatonin is known as the body clock hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. This hormone regulates the biorhythm of the body or the sleep and wake cycle pattern. It is, in fact, a clock controlled by melatonin production. Darkness triggers melatonin production and so we sleep at night. The chemical ingredient of melatonin is 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s). A disturbance in sleep is treated with melatonin supplement for a certain period of time, although not much is known of its entire function.

melatonin production

Peaks in Melatonin hormone production regulates sleep

3. Ensure of a Relaxing Bedtime

People generally love to bring many tasks on the bed and try to do that before going to in sleep. This is not friendly for getting a sound sleep. Your surroundings also affect on how to sleep better. If your bed is in such a position in your apartment that everyone’s footstep seems to you like thundering on the floor then it will not be supportive to bring a good sleep environment for you. So, try to ensure a good and serene environment to ensure a sound sleep.

4. Avoid the Bad Habit

Don’t form a bad habit of reading a book or smoking, drinking before going to sleep that may keep your eyes and brain busy together. This will interrupt your sleep and will not allow achieving the skill of how to sleep well.

5. Take food that helps sleep better

You can win over the battle of insomnia by taking a group of food that naturally boosts the body’s melatonin production. Some such foods are pineapples oranges, bananas, oats, sweet corn, rice, barley and tomato. Amazingly pineapples increased aMT6s content by over 266% while bananas 180% and Oranges were able to increase melatonin by approximately 47%. It is nice to know that melatonin production can be regulated by some food to help you sleep better.


Fruits boots melatonin production


sweet-corn-pulao- helps sleep

Rice and corn help produce melatonin and help sleep better










Some More Tips on How to Sleep Better

The following tips will help you out to get the points on how to sleep better.

   Take a fresh bath if possible before when you are home from the office

   Wear light dresses that will help to breathe easily

   Use clean bed sheet

   Make your room clean

   Make your room temperature moderate to sleep well

   Don’t change your sleeping place frequently

   Avoid tension and worries while you are in bed


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