
Healthy Food: Mung Bean

The Nutrition of Green Mung Beans

Mung bean, scientifically known as Vigna radiata is a plant species of the Leguminaceae family.  It is inherent to the Indian Subcontinent but now grown in many parts of the world. Mung bean is also known as a green bean or moong bean.  The mung bean is annual climbing plants with a short life span of 75-80 days from seed to harvest. The pods contain 8-15 beans. Mung beans can be eaten raw, as paste after boiling as a powder or after sprouting. It usually serves as a vegetarian’s diet or as be cooked with meat into spicy dishes or as sweet dishes. A nutritional powerhouse, mung beans are also natural healers.  That is what makes it a healthy food!

bowl of mung

Healthy Food- Mung Bean in a Bowl

1. Why is Mung Bean a Healthy Food?

Green Mung bean is known as a ‘powerhouse of nutrients ‘because of it is high in vegetable protein, high in fibre, low calories, low fat and no cholesterol. It is with Vitamins: A, B C, D, E and K. Mung bean has a glycemic index of 25 who is low according to the international food standards.

Healthy food-Mung Bean Major Nutrients

Major Nutrients of Green Mung Bean

The minerals consist of Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Manganese and Zinc. These supply 1 to 100 percent of the RDA of an adult female. The balanced vitamins and nutrients undoubtedly make it a healthy food.

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Othe Essential Nutrients of Green Mung Bean

2. Medical Properties of Green Mung Bean

Mung beans have tremendous medical properties that can be called a healthy food or makes it a ‘super vegetable’. Beans are healthy because it is

  • highly digestible
  • reduce inflammation
  • Prevent bloating as it contains oligosaccharides
  • Prevent constipation due to its high fiber content

3. Diseases Controlled by Mung Bean

Mung bean when taken regularly as a dietary intake creates a balance. At 8 major diseases are controlled by green mung bean. When cooked in different ways it improves the appetite without a full filling. Besides being a beneficial to prevention of a number of diseases Green Mung Beans show strong antioxidant properties the help the body to grow resistance and immunity to other ailments. You can replace this healthy food with any other junks that you had been taking!

 The Role Healthy Food in Disease Control

4.Anti-aging Properties

Mung beans trigger the production of natural agents such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin.  These keep your skin healthy, young and glowing. Mung bean- a healthy food, when deliciously prepared is not only tasty but helps you remain young and glowing.

mung soup for healthy skin

Mung Bean Soup is Good for Anti-aging

Read: Skin Care for a Glowing Complexion

5.How much is sufficient?

Cooked green mung of one ounce which is equivalent to 28 gram of bean is sufficient to give you 100 calories, 7 g protein, 5 g fiber and no fat at one helping. The protein is equal to 1 ounce of salmon fish, chicken, turkey or 1 hard-boiled egg. So you have an alternative choice to being a vegan.

diet sizeof One Ounce is Enough

One Ounce is Enough


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