
Benefits of Oyster Mushroom- a Gift of Nature in Pickled form

Oyster mushroom or Pleurotus ostreatus is one type of the mushroom species having innumerable benefits to health. Along with its ‘umami’ taste and unique qualities, is an age-old medicinal food product. Therefore, it can be considered as a ‘Gift of Nature’ 

Oyster Mushroom-a gift of Nature

Oyster Mushroom Enriched Pickle

Oyster mushroom in the pickled form is produced to make it available all year round, has a longer shelf life and can be taken straight or relished with other food as an appetizer.  Additionally, it can also used to supplement and enhance the taste of beef, chicken curry. The product comes as regular, sugar free and kashmeri flavours to serve specific appetites.

Nutritional Benefits of Oyster Mushroom

There are 43 calories in 100 grams of oyster mushroom, making it a low-calorie supplement to any meal. It is low in fat, has no salt and no cholesterol but high in protein and fiber. This unique fungi is nutrient dense; contain significant levels of zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin (Vitamin B2), niacin (Vitamin B3), and pantothenic acid.

Antioxidant Effects

Equally important is that Oyster mushroom contains ergothioneine, a unique antioxidant exclusively produced by the fungi. The antioxidant prevents a number of non-communicable diseases. A 3 ounce helping of oyster mushroom contains 13 milligrams of the antioxidant ergothioneine. Cooking the mushroom does not reduce this level of this component.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Oysters have significant antibacterial activity, which help reduce bacterial levels. More recent studies recommend it as having a potent anti-inflammatory characteristics, helpful for those suffering from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, renal failure, and stroke damage.

Immunity characteristics of Oyster Mushroom

Like all fruits and vegetables, mushrooms are naturally gluten free and a source of a natural immune-modulating agent, beta-(1,3/1,6)-D-glucan.  Beta-glucan has a direct effect on immune cells called macrophages.

Other Health Benefits

Malnutrition and “hidden hunger”

Inappropriate diets or absence of a balanced nutrient rich food intake in rice based diet human population, incidences of stunting, high infant mortality, nutritional anaemia, low birth weight and learning impairment in children occur. Mushroom reduces the Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) or ‘hidden hungers’ of nutrients in adults and children when taken from childhood.

Noncommunicable Diseases:

Oyster mushroom uniquely, controls a large number of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, tumour, rheumatism, kidney problem, anaemia, heart problem to name a few due to its low sodium and low starch ratio.  Mushrooms also contain statins which are cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Why pickled oyster mushroom?

Mushrooms do not grow well all year round for fresh consumption. Therefore, for a mushroom lover pickled form is the answer. Pickled oyster mushroom will serve as a Nutraceutical due to its culinary, nutritional, and health benefits, with no added chemical preservatives. Pickled mushroom is expected to attract the health conscious as “a food, a tonic and a medicine”.

A simple salad of the pickled oyster mushroom will serve as an appetizer for a meal.

Nature’s Gift Mushroom Enriched Pickle Salad


  1. Tomato      4 medium
  2. Cucumber  2 medium
  3. Onion          2 Large
  4. Radish         1 medium
  5. Lettuce leaves to decorate
  6. Nature’s Gift Mushroom Enriched Pickle 150g (Classic)
  7. Green pepper for decoration
  8. Salt to taste


Slice the tomato, cucumber, onion and radish in long slanting pieces. Mix it in a bowl. Add Nature’s Gift Mushroom Enriched pickle according to taste. As the pickle contain salt, add a little to taste. Pour the mixture in a salad bowl. Decorate with lettuce, green pepper and serve.

Delicious salad with pickled oyster mushroom

Enjoy a lovely fat free appetizer!!

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