
4 Benefits of Aloe Vera gel-how to make 6 easy face masks


The 4 benefits of Aloe Vera gel face mask is due to the wonderful concoction for purifying, hydrating and protecting the skin from the damage of pollution and stress. Aloe Vera gel face mask is made from the latex inside the swollen aloe Vera leaf. It is a jelly-like clear material having 95% water. The seasonal changes in temperature, humidity, and pollution affect the health of the face giving a blemish and tired look. Equally, this leads to frustration and sense of despair to carry out your life in a lively manner. You can easily stay fresh and tuned with a little care and with homemade herbal products with very little effort.

4 Benefits of Aloe Vera gel to skin

  • Moisturizes and hydrates or makes your skin absorb water
  • Cures inflamed, sore, burnt or damaged skin
  • Softens skin and prevent aging
  • Renews and revive skin

Nutreints in aloevera

The 7 essential components that give 4 benefits of Aloe vera gel a wonderful fce mask

The family of Aloe Vera

The most commonly known species of Aloe Vera is scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis Miller. The genus Aloe is a cactus belonging to the Aloaceae family now classified under Asphodelaceae. There are at least 550 species of the Aloe genus. It is grown native to Africa but grown in the vast deserts of USA (Arizona), India, Australia. Amazingly, Aloe Vera plants can be grown in countries with warm climate outdoors and even indoors. Commonly called Aloe Vera is desert plant has many Ayurvedic qualities and grown as the pharmaceutical product. The Egyptians call it the “plant of immortality” for its hosts of therapeutic properties. The multiple properties of Aloe Vera gel also do wonders for the skin.

What are the active ingredients in Aloe Vera gel?

The 4 benefits of Aloe Vera gel are due to the presence of ingredients such as nutrients, hormones, anti-oxidants, anthraquinones and enzymes that collectively soothe the skin.  The gel is highly effective in treating skin from a wide range of condition from oily, discolored to dry. Due to the various properties of each of these ingredients, Aloe Vera gel is used in the cosmetic industry for making skin care products.  But, the natural organic gel directly derived from the fresh plant leaf guarantees a pure source. No matter for what purpose you want to use a fresh drink, a facial treatment or for a scalp care the gel will immediately help your body heal. Today we will see how simply aloe Vera gel can be used to condition your skin from sunburns, blemishes, acne or any inflammation on the face or soft parts of your body. The gel acts as nutriceutical having plenty of medicinal values as seen in the table.

                           Table: Ingredients and benefits of Aloe Vera gel to Facial treatment.



Some ways to get the 4 Benefits of Aloe Vera gel from face masks

For all the suggested Aloe Vera face masks, peel off the green leaf and take out the gel. You may blend it softly to make it gelatinous mass before preparing each mask. And yes, clean your face to remove all dirt and dust to have the best 4 benefits of the Aloe Vera gel on your skin.

Gel from plant

Harvesting and Preparing the gel for mask


4 Face masks made from Aloe vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel face mask 1


  • Fresh Aloe Vera Gel
  • Soft Brush


Apply the fresh extracted Aloe gel to the face. Leave the gel for about 20 minutes or until it is dry.  Rinse with normal water. Peel off the mask and was wash your face. Pat dry with a clean towel. Leave the gel for about 20 minutes or until it is dry.  Rinse with normal water. Peel off the mask and wash your face. Pat dry with a clean towel. The benefits of aloe vera gel will be shown in a soothing feeling of the face. Enjoy!!

Aloe Vera gel Face Mask 2


  • Aloe Vera gel 1-2 teaspoons
  • Few drops of lemon juice
  • Wooden spoon
  • Soft Brush


Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of the Aloe gel in a glass bowl. Add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to your face. Make enough if you want to apply to neck and arms. You may wash off after 20 minutes or keep overnight if applied at bedtime. Wash with warm water. Pat dry, and find a lightened look of your face. Apply an Aloe Vera moisturizer. Repeat every 2 to 3 days.

Aloe Vera gel face mask 3 for anti-aging


  • Aloe Vera gel –100 g
  • Cucumber paste –100 g
  • Wooden spoon
  • Brush


In a bowl, mix the 2 ingredients. Add a little water and smoothen to a paste with a wooden spoon. Apply the paste before going to bed and leave it overnight. Rinse off in the morning and pat dry.  Apply a day cream.

Aloe Vera gel face mask 4 for hydrating dry skin


  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Natural sugar-free yogurt- 1 tablespoon
  • Wooden spoon for mixing
  • Soft Brush


Aloe Vera gel first penetrates the skin and prevents water from evaporating. Mix the gel with the yogurt and make it into a semi-solid mixture with the wooden spoon. Apply to your face. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and pat dry.

Aloe Vera gel face mask 5 for exfoliating dead skin


  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Honey-1 Tablespoon
  • Wooden spoon


The enzymes in Aloe Vera have properties of exfoliating dead skin and prevent clogging. Mix the gel with the honey to make it into a paste. Apply to the face with a soft brush and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water and pat dry. Repeat 3-4 times a week. Your blood circulation will be booted and revive your dead skins and adds to the 4 benefits of Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera gel face mask 6 for dry skin


  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Pinch of turmeric
  • Honey -1 teaspoon
  • Milk-a few drops
  • Rosewater-1 drop
  • Wooden spoon
  • Soft brush


Mix the gel, turmeric, honey, milk and rose water in a glass bowl. Blend it into a paste. Apply with a brush and let it stay for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water and pat dry.

Benefits of Aloe Vera gel application is best before going to bed

Acquire the benefits of Aloe Vera gel face mask at your convenience

The soothing, cooling effect of the above concoctions is incomparable to any commercial product for skin care. The benefits of the Aloe Vera gel are in its moisturizing effect that gives a perfect glow. Indeed it will make you feel fresh and happy.


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